Tag Archives: Tool

End User Experience measuring to support the network analysis process

Offline analysis with the HarViewer

The number of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) which are using HTTP as the application protocol is still growing up. And each single website of these applications has often a complex dynamical content. So the “End User Experience View” is getting more and more important, because for the above mentioned reasons it is not easy to realize if the whole content has been loaded with nothing more then a trace file and no deeper knowledge of the application.

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Cyberattack at “Deutscher Bundestag” and my personal experience with an cyber attack

Cyber Attack at “Deutscher Bundestag”
While I have been writing my new article about WLAN basics I read an article about the hacker attack at the “Deutscher Bundestag”.
The interesting thing about this attack is, that it seems to be a full hit.
Obviously they are totally compromised, because they lost the last bastion the admin rights of their network. So this is one of the most fatal error you can have. This article inspired me to a personal memory about the history of it security.

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